Love Delhi Mango Chicken Recipe

Shopping List

  • Love Delhi Gin
  • 450g Boneless Chicken Thighs
  • 2x Red Onions
  • 2x Tomatoes
  • 3x Garlic Cloves
  • Fresh Coriander
  • Lemon
  • Chilli
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Salt
  • Chilli Powder
  • Garam Masala

Ingredients for the marinade

  • 200ml of Love Delhi Gin 
  • 1/2 tsp salt 
  • 1 tsp Chilli powder 
  • Juice of 1/2 a lemon

Ingredients for the masala gravy

  • 3 tbsp Sunflower Oil 
  • 2 Red Onions  
  • 1 Chilli 
  • 3 Cloves of Garlic 
  • 2 Tomatoes 
  • 50ml of Water 
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Garam Masala 
  • Coriander stalks (a good handful)
  • Leftover marinade mixture


  • 450g boneless chicken thighs, skin removed, chopped into bite size pieces 


  • Chopped coriander leaves.


  • Mix the Love Delhi Gin, salt, chilli and lemon juice. Pour over the chopped boneless chicken thighs. Leave to marinade whilst you prepare the masala.


  • In a large pan heat the sunflower oil, whilst the oil is heating thinly slice the red onions. 
  • Once the pan is hot add in the onions and cook on a medium heat, you want to achieve a nice golden caramelised colour. 
  • Chop and prepare chilli and garlic cloves, add and cook these in the pan for a further minute.
  • Whilst the chilli and garlic are cooking chop the tomatoes and add them to the pan.
  • Give the ingredients a good stir and add 50ml of water.
  • Cover and cook on a slow/medium heat for 10/15 minuets or until tomatoes are soft.
  • Heat a separate pan with sunflower oil.
  • Add coated chicken to the hot pan (save access marinade).
  • Cook on a high heat to allow a coating of colour on just one side of the chicken.
  • Check on your masala – if the tomatoes are broken down to a soft mixture add the salt, garam masala and coriander stalks. Give the masala a good stir.
  • Add the masala to the chicken (by now this should be nice and golden on one side).
  • Once the masala is transferred to pan with the chicken, use the access marinade you saved earlier and pour in the pan that has just been used to create the masala. Use the marinade liquid to ensure all the flavour of the masala is collected and pour into the pan with the Love Delhi mango chicken.
  • Cook and cover for a further 10 minuets to ensure chicken is cooked all the way through.
  • Garnish with a generous serving of chopped coriander leaves.

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